
Does CBD Work Against Anxiety?


In case you are wondering if CBD oil can help with Anxiety and panic attacks, here’s a little hint: CBD oil, unlike medicinal CBD which is used in studies, is approved as a cosmetic in Germany. Since the law does not allow it to be offered as a food supplement, it should not be ingested. However, in other countries such as Great Britain, CBD is already permitted as a food supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly point out that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to individual oils or products.

About the legal status of CBD under the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act:

There are numerous studies indicating that CBD has several therapeutic properties and may offer support for many ailments. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the German Medicines Advertising Act, we are not authorized to make any therapeutic promises at this time. We would also like to point out that our products are not medicinal preparations.

According to estimates, 25 percent of all people in the world suffer from an anxiety disorder at least once. This makes anxiety disorder the second most common mental illness after depression. Anxiety and panic attacks can have an extremely negative impact on the daily lives of those affected. They often suffer greatly and go in search of help from nature. Therefore, this article discusses in detail the causes and symptoms of an anxiety disorder, treatment options, and herbal remedies. It also examines the question of whether CBD can help against anxiety.

Fear is part of life and is even essential for survival. It warns and protects against danger. However, for those affected, the fear reaction is diverted and takes on a pathological character.

There is a fine line between everyday worries and fears, and it is often not possible to distinguish clearly between the two. Many patients with anxiety develop an extreme fear of certain situations, objects, animals, etc. that are not threatening to other people. In some cases, the fear seems to come “out of nowhere”, so it is not even possible to identify a trigger.

A major problem is that most anxiety sufferers avoid anything that might trigger anxiety out of fear of anxiety. As a result, they withdraw more and more from life, so problems with partners, friends, and even work end up arising.

Causes, symptoms, and differentiation of anxiety and panic attacks

How anxiety and panic attacks arise has not been definitively clarified. There are different theories. When fear manifests itself, it is basically a natural process of the body and prepares it to fight or flee. So at one time, fear was really essential for survival.

In terms of causes, the following factors may play a role in the development of fear:

Genetics: anxiety patients often have family members with anxiety disorders. Therefore, it is possible that genetic factors play a role in the development of the disorder. Are you looking for more tips and information? Why not try these out to know more?

Neurobiology: The origin of anxiety is mainly related to chemical and biological processes in the body. An imbalance between different messenger substances (e.g. serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and noradrenaline) in the brain could trigger anxiety attacks.

Psyche: As a rule, various psychological factors are involved in the development of an anxiety disorder. These may be, for example, long periods of stress or traumatic experiences with emotional and physical violence.